Prenatal Consult
(In-Home or Telehealth)
Everyone you encounter when you’re pregnant seems to have an opinion and the amount of “advice” received can be overwhelming! By having an appointment before Baby arrives, you can receive evidence-based information on all things lactation and learn the skills needed to hit the ground running to reach your goals - whatever those may be!
The Golden Hour
Colostrum is small but mighty!
Does everyone need to supplement with formula or start pumping right away in order for Babe to thrive?
Initial Consultation
(In-Home or Telehealth)
A deep dive into how things are going for you (and Baby!) with lactation
Observe, assess, and assist
Latching + Holding Positions
Pumping + Bottle Feeding
Review health and birth histories
Answer any questions
Anticipatory guidance on what comes next
Follow-Up Visits
(In-Home or Telehealth)
Now that we’re old friends, we can jump right into the issue at hand!
Something not feeling right?
Baby seeming frustrated all of sudden?
Questioning if you’re making enough?
Pumping Consult
(In-Home or Telehealth)
You picked out the perfect pump through insurance, but now what?
Finding the right flange size
What the settings mean
Milk storage guidelines
How create a schedule that works for you
Back to Work/Daycare Consult
(In-Home or Telehealth)
Whether your maternity leave is coming to an end or something else is requiring you to be away from your child, we can take one thing off your plate by creating a game plan!
What supplies do you need?
For you
For baby
How prep and store the milk
Do you need a freezer “stash”?
Common hiccups faced and how to prepare/avoid them